Week 2, June 15, 2021
Week #2 Full Shares
Arugula - Add to a salad or, a topping on a homemade pizza, or hamburgers.
Red Mustard Greens-> Or add to a salad
Mizuna. -> Or add to a salad
Green Oak Leaf Lettuce (oak leaf-shaped leaves)
Red Buttercrunch Lettuce (the inside of this lettuce has a faint pink color)
Week #2 Small Shares
Rosemary Transplant
Red Tide Lettuce
Green Buttercrunch Lettuce
Green Oak Leaf Lettuce
Optional Shares
Mushroom: Oyster Grown by Bulich Mushroom Farm
Fruit Shares Starts the 5th week of delivery.
t's a salad week for sure! All the lettuce seems to be ready at the same time right now. Please enjoy it while it lasts. Lettuce will not grow in the heat of the summer so it will only be around for a short time. This week you will be getting a fresh bunch of oregano. Try making this delicious homemade salad dressing, or you can hang up your oregano in your kitchen allowing it to dry and use as needed. A few notes for this week... 1.Make sure you rise your lettuces well when they get home or before your ready to use them. We give them a good wash here but they really hold a lot of dirt inside. 2. Use up the red leaf lettuces first. They will not hold as long as the green leaf lettuce. 3.Don't forget to take your transplant at the CSA pickup site. They will not be in your box so remember to grab one when picking up. We hope you enjoy this week's harvest! Happy Eating!
Candice for Everyone at Stoneledge Farm
A CSA Member shared this radish green pesto recipe. They said it was delicious!
Storing Tips & Notes:
Lettuce / Arugula / Mizuna /Mustard- Rinsed in a well-drained salad spinner in the refrigerator.
Oregano- Hang to dry and use as needed.
Lettuces / Radishes- Rinsed and stored in a salad spinner, or stored in a reusable bag in the refrigerator.
Oregano Transplant- Store in a partly sunny area, or plant right in the ground making sure there is part sun and use as needed.
Things To Remember:
Fruit Shares begin the fifth week of delivery.
Marketplace Ordering Deadlines- 12pm every Friday.