Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Join?
See this page.
What Products are Available at the CSA?
In addition to the organic vegetable share, you can add a fruit share, coffee share or mushroom share to your order. Stoneledge Farm also offers a Marketplace where you can add mushrooms, pickles, honey, maple syrup, preserves, coffee, sauces or salsas to any weekly delivery.
How much food is it every week?
It varies by item, and by season. You can expect to bring home 10-15 pounds of vegetables, additional if you order a fruit share or other items. See this page on the Stoneledge Farm website to get a clear sense of the typical content and size of weekly shares throughout the season. The contents of each weekly share are up to the farmer. We set up a swap table containing one share’s worth of vegetables at the beginning of distribution each week, and allow members to swap out one share’s worth of any one undesired vegetable for a share’s worth of one other. The table is first-come, first-served, however, so we cannot guarantee that there will always be something you’ll want to swap out available. Come early if you really want to swap an item out!
What is the work shift commitment?
Members are required to sign up for TWO 2-hour work shifts PER vegetable share. You can find out about more about the work shifts and find out how to sign up here.
What is a CSA?
CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. In recent years, CSA or farm share programs have become a popular way for people to buy local, seasonal food directly from a farmer. This is a win-win situation for the farmer and the consumer. Through the CSA model, a farmer markets their product and receives payment early in the season which helps with planning and cash flow for the farm. As a consumer, by investing in a CSA you invest in a season’s worth of food you can trust delivered to your neighborhood weekly by the very farmer that grew it. A CSA operates on a shared risk model. As a CSA member, you will reap the rewards of a good harvest (and there are many!), and you will also take on the risk of a bad harvest (pests, weather events). This idea of shared risk is an important part of what creates a sense of community among members and their farmers.
How does the West Village CSA work?
The local organic farmer makes 22 weekly deliveries of fresh produce to a central location. Members pay to pick up vegetables every Tuesday for the whole season. Each member is required to volunteer for two hours over the course of the season to either handle distribution or accept deliveries. There is a core group of volunteers who stay involved all year and serve as a point of contact. They can be reached by email to wvcsavolunteer@gmail.com.