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Tuesday July 9, Week 5

Full Share:

White Scallions

Sugar Snap Peas

Summer Squash

Cucumbers (colors range from green, white, & yellow)

Beets with Greens

Flat Leaf Parsley

Lettuce (red or green leaf)

Green Cabbage

Green Curly Kale OR Spinach

Small Share:

White Scallions

Cucumbers (colors range from green, white, & yellow)

Beets with Greens

Flat Leaf Parsley

Lettuce (red or green leaf)

Green Cabbage

Mushroom Share:


Bread Share:

Super Seeded


2- baskets of sweet cherries (grown by fix bro. farm)

I hope you and your family had a nice Fourth of July! We will soon begin harvesting for week #5, which means the fruit shares are starting. Fruit share members, don’t forget to pick up this week. You will receive two-quart baskets of sweet cherries this week.

You will notice the shares shifting from the spring greens to more of a summer harvest.  The cucumbers are really doing well right now so you will see quite a few of them in your shares this week.  They are so crisp and delicious.  Just want is needed for your meal prep with such a hot week coming up, along with the crunchy cabbage.  We are really enjoying a lot of fresh coleslaw this time of year.  We hope you enjoy the harvest!

Candice - For everyone at the farm

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