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Tuesday September 26, week 17

Week #17 Full Shares



Boc Choi


Edamame Beans


Sweet Peppers

HOT Cherry Peppers




Boc Choi

Edamame Beans


Sweet Peppers

HOT Cherry Peppers

Mushroom: 1 bag- Portobello Mushrooms Grown by Bulich Mushroom Farm

Bread: 1 loaf- Super Seeded Made by See & Be Bakery

Fruit: Grown by Klein Kill Fruit Farm & Tousey Vineyard

8- Mcintosh Apples

1 basket- Concord grapes Concords are a slip skin grape. You squeeze the grape and the pulp will slip out. All parts of the grapes are good for you. You can eat the skin, pulp, and seeds if you choose. Try this Concord Grape Muffin Recipe.

Coffee & Dry Beans come this week for the month of October.

Storing Tips: (we have produce bags available on our marketplace)

  • Onions: stored in the crisper drawer.

  • Peppers: stored in the crisper drawer.

  • Beans: stored in a produce bag in the refrigerator.

  • Boc Choy: stored in a produce bag in the refrigerator.

Dear CSA Member, Happy Fall! We had a lot of great shares last week on social media of potato leek soup! They all looked amazing and we appreciate you sharing. This week can be another soup week but also a stir-fry week. We have a return of the boc choy! Very exciting! You can use the sweet peppers and onions to complete this dish. You will also be getting hot Italian cherry peppers this week. If you are running out of ideas on what to make with these little cuties here are some ideas... "20 delicious things to do with cherry peppers" There are many options for this week's box! It is week #17 already and the weeks are just flying by... you may like to stock up on honey and maple going into the winter. Both will keep and be a treat during the cold before we start our CSA deliveries once again next June. The Marketplace stock does start to run low toward the end of the season so please place your orders early to make sure you receive the products you would like. We have bulk apples available through the Marketplace. If you like to make applesauce to can or freeze please log in to your member account to order. The deadline to order for this week has already passed but, we will update the most recent fruit and veggies online by Wednesday. (Reminder all orders are due Fridays at 12 for that coming week's delivery) We hope you enjoy the harvest! Candice for everyone at the farm Coffee and dry bean shares are coming this week (for the month of October) If you ordered these shares please don't forget them at pickup.

Need a recipe idea? Go to-

Things To Remember:

  • Marketplace Ordering Deadlines is 12 pm every Friday.



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