About Us
CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. In recent years, CSA or farm share programs have become a popular way for people to buy local, seasonal food directly from a farmer. This is a win-win situation for the farmer and the consumer. Through the CSA model, a farmer markets their product and receives payment early in the season which helps with planning and cash flow for the farm. As a consumer, by investing in a CSA you invest in a season’s worth of food you can trust delivered to your neighborhood weekly by the very farmer that grew it.
A CSA operates on a shared risk model. As a CSA member, you will reap the rewards of a good harvest (and there are many!), and you will also take on the risk of a bad harvest (pests, weather events). This idea of shared risk is an important part of what creates a sense of community among members and their farmers.
The West Village CSA serves the West Village Neighborhood of New York City. We are partnered with Stoneledge Farm, a 200-acre certified organic farm located in the Catskills and operated by the Kavakos Family.
Our CSA moved to a wonderful new location in 2013, and we will be there again in 2025. We run our Tuesday distribution out of The Church of Saint Francis Xavier, located at 46 West 16th Street, between 5th and 6th Avenues.
The 2025 season will run from early June through early-November, with deliveries every Tuesday. Members pick up their shares during distribution hours, 4pm-7pm every Tuesday throughout the season.
To purchase a share, please see the instructions on our Join page.
St. Francis Xavier runs a soup kitchen and a food pantry, to which we donating any leftover produce each week.
The West Village CSA is an entirely volunteer-run, community-based program. A “Core Group” of members serve as organizers for the CSA. CSA members are required to work TWO two-hour shifts per vegetable share purchased. More about this on our Work Shifts page.
Core Group Members
Nina Chen
Steve Godeke
Melissa Hacker
Anna Panettiere
If you have any questions, or are interested in joining the core group, please send us an email at wvcsavolunteer@gmail.com