2022 Season starts soon(ish)!
Dear Current & Future CSA Members, Snow Again! We thought this was a thing of the past... Anyway, fingers crossed that tomorrow it should all be gone and we can continue planting away for the coming CSA deliveries. Our first delivery is planned for Tuesday June 7th. I have included our delivery schedule below. You can print this schedule or mark it down on your calendar. Tuesday Delivery Schedule Here on the farm, we are working like crazy, around the weather to get things seeded, and transplanted into the fields. The fields are looking beautiful. We have just about all our return staff back on the farm and some new staff starting soon. Everyone is doing well. It is good to get back into the swing of things! Don't forget to order your veggies shares if you haven't already! Small shares are sold out for the most part at all locations, but the option of adding a share partner to a full share is possible. As shown above, our delivery is quickly approaching so don't miss your chance to get some fresh, high-quality, local, organic veggies! We can't wait! It has been a long winter... Reminder*** May 14-15th 9 am-4 pm we will be having our plant sale. This is a great opportunity to grab some organic backyard transplants, take a self-guided field walk, and meet your farmers! Our farm store will be open as well with great local items for purchase. Hope to see you there! As always we thank you very much for joining the CSA and, we look forward to growing the best organic produce for you and your family. Warmly, Candice for Everyone at Stoneledge Farm