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Tuesday July 23, Week 7

Full Share:

Green Beans


Red Buttercrunch Lettuce

Fresh White Onions

Sweet Peppers (colors range from green, yellow & purple)



Cucumbers (colors range from green, white & yellow)


Small Share:

Green Beans


Fresh White Onions

Sweet Peppers (colors range from green, yellow & purple)



 Fruit Share:

 1 basket of Sugar Plums (grown by Klein Kill Farm)

 1 bag of White Nectarines (grown by Klein Kill Farm)

 Please return the blue ikea bag back to the farm.

Mushroom Share:


Bread Share:


We finally got a little break from the extreme heat!

I received an email requesting specific produce to be included in the weekly shares. I thought it would be a good topic to discuss in this week's email. As members of the CSA, you're partnered with the farm and have access to the seasonal harvests. Eating seasonally with the CSA means you get a variety of vegetables at their peak flavor during each time of year. Different items are available in the spring, summer, and fall, so you'll always receive what's in season and ready for harvest week to week. It's a healthy and educational way of eating.

You may notice that you receive certain items week after week if a particular crop patch is very productive. When the vegetables are ready to harvest, we have to keep harvesting them regularly to prevent losing the crop. For example, if we skipped a week of harvesting the cucumbers, they would become over-mature and we would lose the crop. Similarly, if we skipped a week of harvesting the lettuce, it would start to bolt and go to seed, resulting in the loss of the crop.  I think this information will be helpful for first-time CSA members and maybe even long-time members. 

We hope you enjoy the harvest!

Candice - For everyone at the farm


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