Week 19, Thursday is Tuesday - Pickup Thursday October 21
Tuesday, Oct. 19th delivery is moved to Thursday, Oct. 21st
Week #19 Full Shares
Tropicana Green Leaf Lettuce
Red Mustard Greens
Summer Savory
Week #19 Small Shares
Tropicana Green Leaf Lettuce
Red Mustard Greens
Optional Shares
Mushroom: Portobello Grown by Bulich Mushroom Farm
1 basket- Niagara & 1 Bag Crimson Crisp Apples
Fruit shares will be coming in blue Ikea bags for the remainder of the season. We are having a very hard time finding packing supplies due to many shortages.
It is really important to bring your bag back each week to pick up to swap it out.
Dear CSA Members,
Week 19 already, we can't believe it. It has been one challenging year for sure, but it did fly by. In your box, this week will be some more fall salad greens, winter squash, and sweet potatoes. Check out some of the delicious recipes in the list below. One, in particular, is the roasted carrots. They are so delicious and it is a nice time of year to have the oven on.
Here on the farm, one fall projects we have been working on is getting our garlic seed ready to be planted. The garlic seed is the actual clove of garlic. Each year we take 1/3 of our garlic harvest and that is our seed used for the following season. Each bulb of garlic gets broken and planted into the soil by hand. We will send pictures once this has been planted for the 2022 season.
Fruit Share Members- You will be getting grapes this week along with apples.The grapes will NOT be in the blue bag. Please make sure to grab a basket of grapes when picking up.
Candice for Everyone at Stoneledge Farm
Things To Remember:
Marketplace Ordering Deadlines- 12 pm every Friday.
Coffee & Dry Bean Share Delivery Dates-
2021 Deliveries: (Depending on your CSA delivery day) October Delivery: 26 November Delivery: 2,9,16
Storing Tips & Notes:
Lettuce, Mustard Greens- washed and placed in your salad spinner
Radishes- In your salad spinner, or in a bag in the produce drawer.
Sweet Potatoes- in your produce drawer.
Boc Choi- wrapped in a damp cloth, or in a bag and placed in your produce drawer.
Beets- wrapped in a damp cloth, or in a bag and placed in your produce drawer.
Summer Savory- Hang to dry and use as needed.
Beets- Can, or cook and freeze.
Radishes- Can (pickle)
Sweet Potatoes- cook and freeze.
Winter Squash- cook and freeze.
Things To Remember:
Marketplace Ordering Deadlines- 12 pm every Friday.
Coffee & Dry Bean Share Delivery Dates-
2021 Deliveries: (Depending on your CSA delivery day) June Delivery: 7,8,9 July Delivery: June 28, 29, 30 August Delivery: 2,3,4 September Delivery: Aug. 30, 31, Sept. 1 October Delivery: 4,5,6 November Delivery: 1,2,3