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Tuesday June 29, Week 4

Week #4 Full Shares

Escarole (cooking green)

Week #4 Small Shares

Optional Shares

Mushroom: Shitake- Grown by Bulich Mushroom Farm

Coffee & Dry Bean Share Delivery for the month of July

Fruit Shares Starts the 5th week of delivery. Next week!

Dear CSA Members, The weather here on the farm has been just beautiful this past week. They are calling for high heat and humidity this weekend but that's summer right?! Below is this week's crop list along with some important notes for your share. A few new things in your boxes this week! Summer Squash, Sugar Snap Peas, Escarole, Swiss Chard & Parsley. A nice change of pace as we head into the first week of summer. If you have never eaten a sugar snap pea check out this VIDEO on how to peel and enjoy the sugar snaps. You eat the whole pod and they can be enjoyed raw or cooked. They never make it back from the fields without Grace eating a whole basket for herself. Your kids will surely enjoy this healthy veggie snack. Also, new this week is Escarole. A delicious Italian green, Not to be confused with lettuce. It has a pure white base, and when placed on a table it will flatten out and not hold its shape like lettuce would. Escarole is definitely a cooking green. It has a bitter flavor if eaten raw. Escarole is widely known to be paired with white beans, chicken, or sausage. Here is a link to some great ways to use your escarole. You will also be getting swiss chard this week. It is a beautiful green packed full of vitamins. You can cook the same way you would spinach and it even has a similar flavor. July's coffee & Dry Bean shares will be coming this week if you ordered these. Please don't forget to pick them up at the site. Enjoy this week's harvest! Candice for Everyone at Stoneledge Farm

Storing Tips & Notes:

  • Lettuce- (Use up the red leaf first. Green leaf holds longer) Rinsed in a well-drained salad spinner, or in a reusable bag placed in the refrigerator.

  • Escarole- wet and place in a reusable bag placed in the refrigerator, on in a salad spinner.

  • Parsley- Place in a glass of water and in your refrigerator and use as needed, or wrap in a damp cloth and place in refrigerator.

  • Swiss Chard- Rinsed and stored in a salad spinner, or stored in a reusable bag in the refrigerator, or wrapped completely in a damp paper towel and stored in the produce drawer.

  • Kale- Rinsed and stored in a salad spinner, or stored in a reusable bag in the refrigerator, or wrapped completely in a damp paper towel and stored in the produce drawer.

  • Summer Squash- Store in the produce drawer.

  • Scallions- Store in the produce drawer.

  • Sugar Snap Peas- Last longest in a DRY in a plastic bag in the produce drawer.

Things To Remember:

  • Fruit Shares begin the fifth week of delivery. NEXT WEEK! Week #5

  • Marketplace Ordering Deadlines- 12 pm every Friday.



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