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Tuesday July 25, Week 8

Week #8 Full Shares

Red bunching onions



Summer Squash


Summer Crisp Lettuce





Red bunching onions



Summer Squash OR Beets


Optional Shares:

Mushroom: 1 bag- Crimini Mushrooms Grown by Bulich Mushroom Farm

Bread: 1 loaf- Super Seeded Made by See & Be Bakery


1 basket of Sour Cherries (fix farm)

1 bag of Peaches (white & yellow) (Klein Kill Farm)

Storing Tips: (we have produce bags available on our marketplace)

  • Summer Squash/Cucumbers- In a produce bag in the refrigerator

  • Celery: rinsed and stored in a produce bag in the refrigerator.

  • Eggplant- Stored in the refrigerator

  • Dill- rinsed and wrapped in a damp cloth and placed in the refrigerator.

  • Beets- rinse greens and wrap in a damp cloth and place in the refrigerator.

  • Bunching Onions: stored in a produce bag or the crisper drawer.

  • Lettuce: stored in the salad spinner.

Dear CSA Member, Another big cucumber week! They are producing like crazy right now. They do enjoy the rain but like most veggies.. not too much. They seem to be happy considering the harvest we are going to have. If you have cucumber overload make a cucumber salad or make some refrigerator pickles. You can use all varieties to make both of these recipes. Fruit Share Members: Please plan to bring a bag with you each week to pick up your fruit shares. If you can transfer the fruit to your own bag that way we can make sure the blue ikea bags make it back to the farm. This year again we are having a hard time finding bags to fit the fruit shares (everything is out of stock) so we need the blue ikea bags back each week to fill the fruit share orders. Thank you! Enjoy this week's harvest! Kindly Candice for Everyone at Stoneledge Farm

Need a recipe idea? Go to-

Things To Remember:

  • Marketplace Ordering Deadline is 12 pm every Friday.



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