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June 20, 2023, Week 3

Week #3 Full Shares

Spinach (large green leaf)

Kale (Green Curly)

Garlic Scapes

Ice Berg Lettuce (round green ball-shaped)

Red Leaf Lettuce

Greek Oak Lettuce OR Tropicana Lettuce

Red Oak Lettuce (leaves are shaped like an oak leaf)

Mizuna (great cooked or in a salad) Photo ID CLICK HERE

Radishes Red Mustard (great cooked or in a salad). Photo ID CLICK HERE


Spinach (large green leaf)

Kale (Green Curly)

Garlic Scapes

Ice Berg Lettuce (round green ball-shaped)

Greek Oak Lettuce (leaves are shaped like an oak leaf)

Mizuna (great cooked or in a salad)

Optional Shares:

Mushroom: 1 bag- Crimini Mushrooms Grown by Bulich Mushroom Farm

Bread: 1 loaf- Country White Made by See & Be Bakery

Fruit Shares: Starts the 5th week of delivery.

Dear CSA Member, New in your box this week is Spinach! We grow a large leaf spinach here on the farm that you will really enjoy. It has a deep green color with very tender leaves. My favorite way to prepare it is steamed. I recently added it freshly uncooked to a homemade lasagna. It was delicious! Anyway you choose to prepare it you will love it. You will also be getting the first harvest of kale. This week's kale will be green curly kale. Enjoy it raw or cooked. It can be added to your morning smoothie or prepared as your side dish. Many ways to use your superfood kale! BOXES: I have had questions at pick up on how to open and break down the CSA share boxes for reuse at the farm, and if the boxes get torn or ripped we can't reuse them.

Here is a great video by Lauren from the Stamford CSA How to... Open and Break Down CSA boxes to return back to the farm to be reused.. How to Open How to Breakdown (please follow her as she posts weekly "unboxing videos" Very helpful!) Thanks, Lauren!!!

Enjoy this week's harvest! Sincerely, Candice for Everyone at Stoneledge Farm Available through the online marketplace: Bulk Garlic Scapes. They are great to make a garlic scape pesto. CLICK HERE To check out the recipe Reminder** Our marketplace ordering deadline is Friday at 12 pm. If your order was placed after that time frame your order will be coming the following week.

Need a recipe idea? Go to->

Storing Tips:

  • Lettuce / Mizuna Greens- Rinsed in a well-drained salad spinner in the refrigerator.

  • Garlic Scapes- Stored in the crisper drawer and use as needed.

  • Radishes- Rinsed and stored in the refrigerator.

  • Kale/Spinach- Rinsed & stored in a produce bag in the refrigerator.

Things To Remember:

  • Fruit Shares begin the fifth week of delivery.

  • Marketplace Ordering Deadlines is 12 pm every Friday.



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