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Week 7, Tuesday July 21

Week #7 (Odd Week)

Cherry Tomatoes (Will NOT be in your box. Please be sure to take a basket)

Summer Squash

Cucumbers- (colors range- Green slicing to specialty yellow, brown, or white)


Slicing Tomatoes


Red Scallions

Early Spring Cabbge

Basil- Green

Optional Shares

Mushroom: Oyster- Grown by Bulich Mushroom Farm

Fruit Shares:1- Basket Sugar Plums1- basket Sweet Cherries

Dear CSA Member, It has been HOT! Thankfully we had a nice rain shower the other night to prepare the fields for another heatwave. Here on the farm, we have been working away transplanting fall crops along with a lot of weeding. All the vegetables have to be hand weeded which is a never-ending task. This weeks share will feel more like summer as the tomatoes are just starting to ripen. Enjoy the harvest! Sincerely, Candice for Everyone at Stoneledge Farm

Let's Get Cookin! Cabbage: Mushroom Stuffed Cabbage OR More cabbage recipes Summer Squash: Great Recipes Cucumbers: Cucumber Recipes Eggplant: Eggplant Recipes Spinach: Scallions: Great to wash fresh or cooked. 10 Ways to Use Scallions Basil: Add to any Italian dish or make a pesto.

Storing Tips:

  • Lettuce - Rinsed in a well-drained salad spinner in the refrigerator.

  • Summer Squash/Cucumbers/ Scallions- In the refrigerator crisper drawer.

  • Spinach- In a damp cloth or paper towel in the refrigerator.

  • Cabbage- In the refrigerator crisper drawer.

  • Basil- In a cup of water in the fridge or wrapped in a damp cloth

What Can I Freeze? Summer Squash- wash, chop, and freeze in a freezer bag or container. Spinach- wash, chop, blanch, and freeze in a freezer bag or container. Basil- wash, chop, and freeze WITH olive oil in a freezer bag or container.

Things To Remember:

  • Bulk Mushrooms- 12 pm the FRIDAY before your delivery.

  • All other Marketplace Items- 1 pm the day before your delivery.

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