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Week 20, Tuesday October 15

1 head- Green Leaf Lettuce

1 head- Red Leaf Lettuce

1 bunch- Arugula

1 bunch- Mustard Greens

1- bunch Radishes

4- Shallots

1lb- Sweet Potatoes

2- Butternut Winter Squash

1 lb.- Carrots

1 bunch- Turnip Greens

Optional Shares

Mushroom: Crimini (Grown by Bulich Mushroom Farm)

Fruit Share:

8- Cortland Apples- Grown by Klein Kill Orchard

6- Anjou Pears- Grown by Fix Brothers Orchard

Dear CSA Member, We hope you have been enjoying this beautiful fall we have been having. The vegetables are sure loving it! This week you will notice more return vegetables in your share. Lettuces are back, mustard greens and more. It is a nice break from the heartier vegetables. This month we are running a maple syrup special! Celabrate fall and treat yourself or loved one to some delicious locally made NY maple syrup!

Now until the end of October enjoy 5% off all maple syrup! Use code MAPLE at checkout!

Enjoy the harvest! Candice

Let's Get Cookin! Lettuces: Use the arugula, mustard greens and radishes to make a fresh salad. Arugula: Use in a salad, or wilted over a pasta dish! 31 Arugula Recipes Mustard Greens: Use in a salad, or saute! Sauteed Mustard Greens OR Mustard Greens with Chickpeas and Curry Radishes: Use in a salad OR Roasted Radishes in Brown Butter with Radish Tops OR 35 Great Radish Recipes Sweet Potatoes: Sweet Potato Fries OR Moroccan Sweet Potato and Lentil Soup Winter Squash: Maple Roasted Winter Squash Carrots: Maple Roasted Carrots Crimini Mushrooms: Butternut Squash stuffed with Quinoa and Mushrooms

*******NEW******* Decorative real Pumpkins are available through the online marketplace per member request! Limited availability, order soon if interested.

Don't Forget!

Bring your Stoneledge Farm reusable tote bag each week to pick up.

Order Deadlines:

Marketplace Mushrooms-12 pm the Friday before your CSA delivery.

All other Marketplace Items- 1 pm the day before your CSA delivery.

Our mailing address is:

Stoneledge Farm LLC

145 Garcia lane

Leeds, NY 12451-1361

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