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Week 17, Tuesday September 25

1 bunch- Gold Beets (Use the greens)

1lb.- Carrots

2lbs- Potatoes

1 bunch- Parsley

2- White Onions

2- Carnival Winter Squash

3- Poblano Mildy Hot Pepper

4- Habanero Peppers (MILDY HOT)

1 bunch- Curly Kale

1 bunch- Cherriette Radishes (Use the greens)

1- Fennel Bulb

Optional Shares

Mushroom: Oyster (Grown by Bulich Mushroom Farm)

Fruit Share:

8- Macintosh Apples- Grown by Fix Brothers Orchard

6- Seckel Pears- Grown by Fix Brothers Orchard

Dear CSA Member, The leaves are just starting to change along with the temperatures. It sure is starting to feel like fall! This time of year nothing beats a harvest soup! You will have many of the ingredients in your share this coming week. I always love a bowl of lentil soup with winter squash, parsley, kale and carrots this time of year. See recipe under the "let's get cookin!" section of the email.

Don't forget! Just a few weeks left of September's honey special!

Enjoy 5% off your honey order NOW through the end of September! Using code HONEY at checkout! Log in to your member account > 2019 Marketplace

Enjoy the harvest! Candice

Let's Get Cookin! Beets: Baked Beets over Salt OR Beet Cake Carrots: Good For You Carrot Cake OR Pearl Couscous With Roasted Root Vegetables Potatoes: Potato Leek Soup OR Potato Pancakes Winter Squash: Winter squash Pie OR Butternut Squash & Lentil Soup Kale: Roasted Beet & Kale Salad with Maple Candied Walnuts Hot Peppers: Hang to dry, crush up and use as needed OR Add to your favorite spicy dish! Oyster Mushrooms: Oyster Mushrooms Garlic & Green Onions Apples: Apple Crisp

Storing Tips:

Beets- in the refrigerator wrapped in a towel. Carrots- in the crisper drawer. Potatoes- in the refrigerator OR a cool dark place in produce bag. Winter Squash- in the refrigerator OR a cool dark place. Kale- washed in a salad spinner, or washed and wrapped in a towel and placed in the fridge. HOT Peppers- in the crisper drawer OR hang to dry and use as needed.

To Freeze: Kale-Parsley-Carrots

To can/ Preserve:

Cabbage- Hot Peppers

How to blanch produce to Click Here for freeze for a later date.

Not to Freeze, and Use Up:

Onions- Potatoes

Don't Forget!

Bring your Stoneledge Farm reusable tote bag each week to pick up.

Order Deadlines:

Marketplace Mushrooms-12 pm the Friday before your CSA delivery.

All other Marketplace Items- 1 pm the day before your CSA delivery.

Our mailing address is:

Stoneledge Farm LLC

145 Garcia lane

Leeds, NY 12451-1361

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