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Week 16, Tuesday September 17

1 head- Red Cabbage

1 bunch- Dill

2-LBS Potatoes

1 bunch- Leeks

2- Acorn Winter Squash

1 stalk- Brussels Sprouts

1 bunch- Collard Greens

2- Sweet Bell Pepper

4- Jalapeño HOT Peppers

2- Onions

1- bunch Brussels Sprout Greens

4- Happy Hat SWEET Peppers

2- Tomatoes

Optional Shares

Mushroom: White Button (Grown by Bulich Mushroom Farm)

Fruit Share:

10- Gala Apples- Grown by Fix Brothers Orchard

4- Bartlett Pears- Grown by Fix Brothers Orchard

Dear CSA Member, This week you will be getting the last harvest of sweet peppers.

There will also be HOT Jalapenos as well. With the fall crops on the way comes a lot of weighing at the site. It is a good idea to bring your reusable produce bags to the CSA pickup for the remainder of the season. We do have eco produce bags for sale through the Stoneledge Farm Online Marketplace if you are interested. To order log in to your member account and click on 2019 Marketplace > Bags & Apparel. If you need help please let me know. Enjoy the harvest. Candice

Storing Tips:

Cabbage- in the refrigerator wrapped in a towel. Collards- washed in a salad spinner, or washed and wrapped in a towel and placed in the fridge. HOT Peppers- in the crisper drawer OR hang to dry and use as needed. Potatoes- in the refrigerator OR a cool dark place in produce bag. Onions- in the crisper drawer.

To Freeze:


To can/ Preserve:

Cabbage- Hot Peppers

How to blanch produce to Click Here for freeze for a later date.

Not to Freeze, and Use Up:

Shallots- Onions- Dill

Don't Forget!

Bring your Stoneledge Farm reusable tote bag each week to pick up.

Order Deadlines:

Marketplace Mushrooms-12 pm the Friday before your CSA delivery.

All other Marketplace Items- 1 pm the day before your CSA delivery.

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