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Week 3, Tuesday June 18

Week #3 (Odd Pickup Week)

1- head Romaine Lettuce

1- bunch Green Mustard

4- Garlic Scapes (use to garnish, or make pesto)

1- head Red Butter-crunch Lettuce

1- bunch Bright Lights Swiss Chard

1- bunch Sage (hang to dry and use as needed)

1- bunch Kohlrabi (Use the greens as they are comparable to collards)

1- bunch Baby Beets (Use the greens)

1- head Red Leaf Lettuce

Optional Shares

Mushroom: Portobello (Great on the Grill!) Grown by Bulich Mushroom Farm

Dear CSA Member,

This is the busiest time of year on the farm. The harvest is now well underway, transplanting seedlings for fall, tending the small plants in the greenhouses, and weeding away in the fields. We hope you have been enjoying the past week's bounty. Salad season comes and goes so quickly. Lettuces will not grow in the heat of the summer please, enjoy the lettuces while they last.

New in your shares this week will be Kohlrabi along with a few others. You should always peel your kohlrabi before preparing your meal. You can add Kohlrabi to soups, stews, roasted and steamed. Or, Try slicing the Kohlrabi and adding it raw to the salad. It is crispy and sweet when raw. It also makes a delicious slaw. Don’t forget to use the greens. The greens have a very similar taste to collard greens. Cook as you would any other leafy green.

Just a reminder that next TODAY is the last day to order fruit shares. If you wish to order a fruit share please log in to your member account to place your order. Click HERE to learn more about the fruit share.

Enjoy this weeks harvest!


  • Lettuces: Squash Seed Oil Vinaigrette OR Caeser Salad

  • Mustard Greens: Calabrese Mustard Greens OR White Bean Stew

  • Garlic Scapes: Garlic Scape Pesto OR 10 Things to Do With Garlic Scapes

  • Swiss Chard: Sauteed Chard OR Swiss Chard Ricotta Pie

  • Beets: Roasted Beets OR Grilled Steak Salad with Beets and Scallions (can use the scapes in place of scallions)

  • Kohlrabi: Kohlrabi Slaw

  • Mushroom Share: Portobello Grilled Portobello Mushroom

Storing Tips:

  • Greens/Lettuces- Rinsed in a well-drained salad spinner or wrapped in a damp cloth in the refrigerator.

  • Garlic Scapes- In the refrigerator crisper drawer.

  • Beets- Rinsed and stored in the refrigerator crisper drawer.

  • Sage- Hang to dry and use as needed.

To Freeze/ Preserve:

  • Swiss Chard, Beets, Mustard Greens

  • Sage- Hang to dry and use as needed.

Click Here for How to blanch produce to freeze for a later date.

Not to Freeze, and Use Up:

  • Lettuces, Garlic Scapes, Kohlrabi

Featured Marketplace Items

  • CSA Cook Books- Recipes from America's Small Farms written by Lori Stein the Yorkville CSA coordinator.

  • Hudson Valley Vinegar- Made in Valatie NY

  • NYS seed oils- Made in the Finger Lakes NY (Great for making salad dressing)

Don't Forget!

  • Bring your Stoneledge Farm reusable tote bag each week to pick up.

  • Fruit Shares start July 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.

  • 5% off your first marketplace order using coupon code MFIVE at checkout. (offer ends June 30th)

Order Deadlines:

  • Fruit Shares- Friday, June 14th

  • Marketplace Mushrooms- 12 pm the Friday before your CSA delivery.

  • All other Marketplace Items- 1 pm the day before your CSA delivery.

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