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Week 2, Tuesday June 11, 2019

2- Boc Choi

1- Red Leaf Lettuce

1- Green Leaf Lettuce

1 bunch- rhubarb

1 bunch- Mizuna (pointed leaves)

1 bunch- Cherry Radishes

1 bunch- Red Mustard Greens

1- bunch Mint

1- Oregano Transplant

Optional Shares

Mushroom: Oyster (Great in a stir fry) Grown by Bulich Mushroom Farm

Let's Get Cookin! For the recipes below, and many more, click here!

  • Boc Choi: Boc Choi Stir fry OR Boc Choi and Ham Gratin

  • Mizuna & Mustard Greens: Spicy Peanut Sauce over Asian Greens OR Mizuna & Mustard Green Salad

  • Arugula: Cheeseburgers With Sauteed Mushrooms Arugula And Dijon Aioli

  • Radishes: Braised Radishes

  • Fresh Mint: Touch of Mint Iced Tea OR Fresh Mint Tea OR Bobby Flay's Pan-Roasted Chicken With Mint Sauce

  • Lettuces: Squash Seed Oil Vinaigrette

  • Mushroom Share: Oyster Oyster Mushroom Stir Fry

Storing Tips:

  • Bo Choi- Rinsed in a well-drained salad spinner, or wrapped in a damp cloth in the refrigerator.

  • Mizuna, Mustard, Arugula- Rinsed in a well-drained salad spinner, or wrapped in a damp cloth in the refrigerator.

  • Radishes- Rinsed and stored in the refrigerator.

  • Fresh Mint- Rinsed and stored in the refrigerator in paper towel OR hang to dry and use as needed.

  • Lettuces- Rinsed, in a salad spinner and stored in the refrigerator.

To Freeze/ Preserve:

Not to Freeze, and Use Up: Lettuces, Radishes, Mizuna, Mustard, Arugula.

Don't Forget!

  • Bring your Stoneledge Farm reusable tote bag each week to pick up.

  • Fruit Shares start July 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.

  • 5% off your first marketplace order using coupon code MFIVE at checkout. (offer ends June 30th)

Order Deadlines:

  • Fruit Shares- Friday, June 14th

  • Marketplace Mushrooms- 12 pm the Friday before your CSA delivery.

  • All other Marketplace Items- 1 pm the day before your CSA delivery.

Available on the Marketplace is Organic Eco Produce Bags, Honey, Maple Syrup, Coffee, Dry Beans, Stoneledge Wool Products, Chocolate, Vinegar, Seed Oil, Cook Books and More!

Week #2 (Even Pickup Week) Dear CSA Member, Refrigerators will be full of greens this week. There is nothing that can beat salad spinner this time of year! The fresh salad harvest is always so tasty. This week is the final week for transplants. This weeks transplant will be oregano. It can be potted indoors or, out. Use as needed by cutting the stems. It is great to have fresh oregano always on hand. Also in your share will be Red Mustard Greens, Mizuna along with Arugula. These are great chopped and added to a salad or cooked on their own as a side dish. I have added photos below help identify the difference between the Muzina and Arugula. They do look similar. Just a reminder that next Friday is the last day to order fruit shares. If you wish to order a fruit share please log in to your member account to place your order. Click HERE to learn more about the fruit share. Enjoy this weeks harvest! -Candice

Login to your Member Account to Order.

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