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Week 7, Tuesday July 17

What’s in the Bag?

1- bunch Spinach

4- Summer Squash

1- bunch Dill

Oriental Eggplant

1-Tropicana Lettuce

1- Red Leaf Lettuce

1- bunch Beets

2- Poona Kheera Cumbers (blue dot on crates)

2- Silver Cucumbers

Mushroom & Fruit Shares

Mushroom: Crimini

Grown by Bulich Mushroom Farm

Fruit:1 basket Sweet Cherries

Grown by Fix Brothers Orchard

Fruit: 1 basket Apricots

Grown by Klein Kill Farm

Tag in your Instagram or Facebook photos and receive 5% off coupon to the marketplace. Send a screenshot of your post to to receive your coupon. 1 coupon per member per week! (example- share photo, meal photo, picking up your CSA shares)

This week’s recipes! You can find more on our website!

Red Ace Beets: Beets provide impressive health benefits and are delicious too! Eat them raw, steamed or baked. Don’t forget to use the greens! Raw Beet Salad - Beet Chocolate Cupcakes - Easy Cooked Beets

Oriental Eggplant: This variety of eggplant has a long, round slender shape. You can make any of your favorite eggplant recipes with this variety of eggplant. Crunchy Broiled Eggplant Light (baked not fried) Eggplant Parmesan

Cucumbers: If you like canning and preserving try these pickle recipes.

Forever Crisp Dill Pickles Grams Bread and Butter Pickles

Mushroom Share - Crimini: Similar to a white button but have a lot more flavor. Great for sautéing, grilling or even stuffing.

Sauteed Crimini Mushrooms

Marketplace: One week only & limited supply.

1/2 bushel boxes of pickling cucumbers available. Order 1 box of pickling cucumbers and receive 3 bunches of dill.

Storage Tips:

Eat Me UP!- Lettuces, Dill

Zero Waste! You can freeze, can, or dry me! - Spinach, Summer Squash, Eggplant, Beets, Cucumbers How to Blanch Before You Freeze

Week #7

Dear CSA Member,

It has been hot and dry this past week. The tomatoes and peppers are sure enjoying this weather. The large tomatoes are still green and we are patiently waiting for them to ripen. Today we are harvesting and hanging all the garlic in the barn. The garlic gets hung in the barn to dry and will be ready for CSA shares this fall.

Check out our Garlic Harvest video.

We are just 3 weeks into summer and its time to start thinking about the fall-winter months. We have vegetables, fruit, and herbs available in bulk through the online marketplace. This is a great opportunity to freeze or can your produce for the winter months.

We also have local honey, maple syrup, organic sriracha sauce, organic dry beans and more! Login to your member account to place your order. All marketplace orders will be delivered with your CSA shares. Please order by 1 pm the day before your CSA pickup to guarantee your delivery. Marketplace mushroom ordering deadline is Friday’s 12 pm before your CSA delivery.

Enjoy the Harvest,

Candice for everyone at Stoneledge Farm

Stoneledge Farm LLC

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