Week 6, Tuesday July 10
What’s in the Bag?
4- Garlic Scapes
2- Early Cone Cabbage
Summer Squash
2- Fennel
1- Escarole
1 bunch- Red Scallions
1 bunch- Kohlrabi
Will send Update
Mushroom & Fruit Shares
Mushroom: Oyster
Grown by Bulich Mushroom Farm
Fruit:1 basket Sweet Cherries
Grown by Fix Brothers Orchard
Fruit:2 basket Blueberries
Grown by Gregg Farms
Week #6
Dear CSA Member,
We hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July! It sure was a hot one, but we seem to be breaking the heat wave. As the lettuce winds down the summer vegetables are starting to ramp up. It is just about peak harvest for the summer squash, and the cucumbers and eggplant will soon follow. As we pick, wash and pack for your weekly CSA shares we are still planning, seeding new vegetables and preparing the fields for fall crops. Such as lettuces, kale and more. The weather has been pretty cooperative allowing us to get a lot of work done. We hope you enjoy this weeks bounty.
Online Marketplace: We have vegetables, fruit, and herbs available this week in bulk. We also have local honey, maple syrup, organic sriracha sauce, organic dry beans and more! Login to your member account to place your order. All marketplace orders will be delivered with your CSA shares. Please order by 1 pm the day before your CSA pickup to guarantee your delivery. Marketplace mushroom ordering deadline is Friday’s 12 pm before your CSA delivery.
Marketplace Special: 5% off a 4lb. jar of honey. Use code Honeybee to access this Pollination Special for the month of JULY!
Tag #stoneledge.farm in your Instagram or Facebook photos and receive 5% off coupon to the marketplace. Send a screenshot of your post to info@stoneledge.farm to receive your coupon. 1 coupon per member per week! (example- share photo, meal photo, picking up your CSA shares)
This week’s recipes! You can find more on our website!
Red Ace Beets: Beets provide impressive health benefits and are delicious too! Eat them raw, steamed or baked. Don’t forget to use the greens! Raw Beet Salad - Beet Chocolate Cupcakes - Easy Cooked Beets
Early Cone Cabbage: A very tender and sweet early cabbage. Can be eaten raw or cooked. Creamy Cone Cabbage And Red Onion Slaw
Summer Squash: Can be baked, sautéed, steamed, boiled or even grilled. Chocolate Zucchini Bread A farm Favorite! (You can use any of the summer squash) Grilled Summer Squash Summer Squash Fritters
Fennel: Fennel is a highly aromatic vegetable mostly used in Mediterranean cooking. The bulb and stems are both edible.
Escarole: A member of the leafy chicory family. Is bitter when eaten raw and mild flavor when cooked. Mix with other greens for a salad, sauté, or braise with white beans. Escarole and White Bean Soup Escarole 101
Kohlrabi: Kohlrabi is a member of the cabbage family. It can be eaten raw (grated in coleslaw or salad), pickled, or cooked (in soups or stews, or as a baked side dish) Red Lentil, Kohlrabi and Grain Curried Salad
Mushroom Share - Oyster: Was first cultivated in Germany and is now grown worldwide. May lower cholesterol levels, Alleviate Inflammation, Packed with Antioxidants, Boost Brain Health OYSTER MUSHROOMS, GARLIC, AND GREEN ONIONS SAUTE (PALEO, GLUTEN FREE)
Storage Tips:
Eat Me UP!- Fennel, Scallions, Cucumbers
Zero Waste! You can freeze or dry me! - Cabbage, Summer Squash, Kohlrabi How to Blanch Before You Freeze
Enjoy the Harvest,
Candice for everyone at Stoneledge Farm
Stoneledge Farm LLC info@stoneledge.farm www.stoneledge.farm LIKE us at https://www.facebook.com/StoneledgeFarm