Spring planting at Stoneledge Farm

Dear Current and Future CSA Members,
We have started seeding! This is something we all look forward too! First we plant the shallots and then the larger varieties of onions. The onions grow at a slow rate and require extra TLC. Not only do we seed, transplant and harvest the onions they also need time to cure in the greenhouse. And finally, they will be ready for your CSA shares. It is very important that the onions are planted on time each year for harvest and distribution. We will soon have a greenhouse full of onions that we call the “onion house”. (Pictures will be posted of the progress made)
There are still CSA shares available for the 2017 season. If you have already placed your order Thank You and Welcome to the 2017 season! We are looking forward to a great year!
If you haven’t ordered your share please order soon to reserve your spot in a location that works best for you. Shares do sell out quickly and we recommend ordering as soon as possible to reserve your specific share type and location. If you have any questions please send an email to the farm and I would be happy to help you. info@stoneledge.farm
Deb and I will be attending the Bedford 2020 Food Forum. If anyone is interested it is this Saturday 3/4 at the Fox Lane High School, Bedford NY from 8:30-3. The expo is free or there is a fee for different access levels. Below is the link if you are interested. Come stop by and see us! http://bedford2020.org/foodforum/ (registration is required)
Looking forward to working with you this 2017 season!
All the Best, Candice for Everyone at Stoneledge Farm
Stoneledge Farm LLC
359 Ross Ruland Road
South Cairo, NY 12482
LIKE us at https://www.facebook.com/StoneledgeFarm