Sign ups for the 2017 CSA season are now Open!
We hope your winter season is off to a good start!
As another season came and went we, now turn our attention towards the coming 2017 season. Sign ups for the 2017 CSA season are now Open!
To join the Stoneledge Farm CSA please visit our homepage The 2016 CSA prices will be in affect until January 1st. Many of our 22 locations fill up quickly so an early registration can ensure a membership in your desired location
Pete Jr. has been eagerly planning the field layout for the coming season. It might sound a bit early but it does take time and good structure. Along with the field planning, we also have been busy ordering seeds for the 2017 season. The season has just ended and we are excited to start planting already!
We are looking forward to this coming year and we will continue to dedicate all of our time and energy to make this season the best yet!
Pete Jr. & Candice ordering seeds for the 2017 season.

All the Best,
To place your 2017 CSA order now go to the farm website home page.
-Click on Member Login You have already created a CSA Membership Account which will follow from year to year. Please do not create a new Member Account.
-Click on 2017 CSA Harvest Season
-Login using your e-mail address and password. There is a Forgot Password link available.
-Select the CSA shares you would like to order.
-Read and check off the Member Agreement and also the Volunteering Agreement for your CSA site.
-Select the payment method and complete your order. A confirmation e-mail will be sent to you once the order is complete.
-The first delivery for the 2017 season is June 6, 2017
-We look forward to a bountiful 2017 CSA season.
Stoneledge Farm LLC
359 Ross Ruland Road