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Week 7- Tuesday July 19

Summer Squash-6

Silver Slicer Cucumber- 1

Swiss Chard- 1 bunch

Orient Express Eggplant- 4

Red Ace Beets- 1 bunch

Panisse Lettuce- 2 heads

Dill- 1 bunch

Green Slicing Cucumbers- 1

Boothby Cucumbers- 2

Fruit Share-

Blueberries- 2 baskets

Tart Cherries- 1 basket

(Here is a refreshing summer drink recipe using Tart Cherries )

Mushroom Share

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Dear CSA Member

Each year at this time the farm undergoes our annual Organic Certification Inspection. Records are diligently reviewed, our fields, equipment and all of the supplies inspected. The farm has completed our annual inspection and certification. It is a rigorous process but we are proud to be able to display the USDA Organic logo.

The summer squash harvest this year has been abundant. We have some great recipes on our website for summer squash and zucchini. If you haven’t tried the zucchini chocolate cake recipe we highly recommend it! It is delicious! (When you pick up your share choose a large zucchini or golden glory summer squash for this recipe.)

If you have any summer squash or zucchini recipes that you would like to share with the farm for the website that would be great. Your can e-mail them to

Marketplace Orders can be placed by logging into your CSA Member Account. There is delicious organic, tree to bar dark chocolate from Grenada. We visit the farmers and the chocolate maker and they are grateful for the support given by the CSA.

Please note: The order deadline for delivery of your Marketplace Order is by 1PM the day before your CSA delivery except for Mushroom orders must be received by the farm by Friday noon for delivery. Orders received after the deadline will be delivered the following CSA delivery week. You will receive an e-mail confirmation and reminder of your Marketplace order.

Enjoy the Harvest.

Stoneledge Farm

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